paleo sauces

Whether you’re new to a low sugar, gluten-free or Paleo diet or been at it for a while, figuring out how to spice up your dishes can be a daunting task. Sometimes we get bored or lazy when prepping food, or we simply just forget about those we loved. So to keep it all in one place, here are some of our favorites that we’ve discovered over the last few years.

These were modified from various cookbooks and online sites to fit our specific needs, so remember to always adjust seasoning to taste and adapt these to suit your needs and tastes as well. I often take them with me when we eat out, so be sure to invest in some good small containers to store individual servings in. Also, remember that these recipes won’t last as long as their store-bought versions since they’re preservative-free and will only last for a few weeks.

Enjoy! paleo sauces


Paleo Mayonnaise 

Paleo gluten, dairy, soy and preservative free mayonnaise recipe.
Makes 1 Cup
1 egg
1 TBSP Fesh lemon juice
1/4 Tsp Dry mustard
1/2 Cup Olive oil
1/2 Cup Flaxseed oil

Blend egg, lemon and mustard in blender for 3-5 seconds. Continue blending as you add oils. Blend till thick.
Store in air tight container for up to 5-7 days.


Jack Osbourne recently talked with Dr. Oz about his multiple sclerosis and how the Paleo diet helped him gain control of his health.

Diagnosed with MS, Jack Osbourne says that the support of his family, such as his mother Sharon, has helped.
There are some things I can’t imagine – ever eating a slice of pizza without suffering for days, or indulging in a piece of my favorite spiced cake. And while someday I might find a Paleo pizza or cake that I can eat, the reality is being diagnosed with food allergies and Hashimotos (an autoimmune disorder that attacks the thyroid gland) are nothing compared to what I imagine to be the fear associated with an MS diagnosis.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disorder that impacts your nervous system, with symptoms ranging from pain, numbness and trouble walking.  Since I also have an autoimmune disorder, I know how important it is to keep your immune system calm, so that your body doesn’t start to attack itself. I also know what it’s like to have raging inflammation, and have been able to manage it with diet and supplements (omega fish oil and CoQ10 are the two biggest helpers for my inflammation). So I was intrigued when I heard that Jack Osborne visited Dr. Oz recently and talked about the proactive steps that he has taken to control his disease.

Jack told Dr. Oz that he was determined to do what he could to improve his health, and lost more than 70 pounds by following the Paleo diet. He eliminated gluten and dairy,  and followed the clean eating plan that the Paleo plan requires. But what Jack made clear was that having a positive attitude makes a difference in both his physical and emotional health.  He says that the support of his family, such as his mom Sharon, has helped him have the strength he needs to fight the disease. I love that he made sure to focus on how important your attitude is to overcoming a disease. In fact, many believe that it’s a negative attitude (or belief system) which can cause negative health conditions, so by reversing your mindset and having a clear, loving heart, you can create a pathway for better health.

Jack also showed the importance of a support system in managing MS. He mentioned that his mom, Sharon Osbourne, had talked openly with him about her decision to have a double mastectomy when she discovered that she had the gene that causes a predisposition to breast cancer. Jack’s wife Lisa is also very supportive, and is apparently a believer in holistic health options which will surely be an important part of his healing process. I’ve used the help of several holistic healers which have helped me to overcome various diagnosis including Acupuncturists, Nutritionists and Naturopathic Doctors, as well as various essential oils, herbs and the Paleo diet to help eliminate the major food allergens and inflammatory foods.

I love seeing the power of nutrition and dietary changes to help us heal in the media; it’s about time we start recognizing food’s ability to help or harm our health journey!

How many of you are following a Paleo diet to manage health related issues?

Last week I wrote about the Healthy Life Summit, and how I was excited to listen to so many amazingly gifted folks who are on a mission to clean up our health talk about some of their most passionate topics. I listened to Chris Kessler talk about managing better sleep patterns and healing through sleep by focusing on melatonin levels, and Donna Gates, author of Body Ecology talk about how important healthy gut flora is and how we can address autism and other diseases through better nutrition and the use of probiotics.

But if you missed a presentation you really wanted to see, you can still take advantage of the savings – until April 3rd at midnight, you can save 60% off the total package price, and enjoy 35 different sessions including our favorites below.

  • Jenny McGruther of Nourished Kitchen on making real food affordable
  • Chris Kresser – Chrono-Disruption: The Dark Side Of Artificial Light
  • Diane Sanfilippo, author of New York Times bestseller, Practical Paleo and THE 21-DAY SUGAR DETOX shares how to ditch sugar in 21 days!
  • Bill Staley and Hayley Mason, authors of Make It Paleo – Make It Paleo
  • Donna Gates, author of The Body Ecology Diet – Conquering Systemic Infection: Essential to Good Health
  • Heather Dessinger AKA Mommypotomous dishes on beauty products safe enough to eat!
  • Cara Comini of Health Home & Happiness on her real-life experience with reversing her daughter’s autism
  • Robyn O’Brien, author of The Unhealthy Truth and founder of – Generation RX
  • Matt & Betsy Jabs, – Natural DIY Projects: Save Money & Improve Your Health

The sale price of $79 will go up to $199 this Wednesday at midnight Pacific time, so order today to take advantage of the sale!

healhty life summit


This past year has been an amazing one for me. I’ve had some major improvements in my health, am forming an incredible group of healing professionals around us, and been lucky enough to join a group of amazingly talented writers who share their insights, inspirations and life journeys on health and wellness. And this group, Village Green Network, is hosting a Healthy Life Summit next week and I’m excited to be hear what comes from the summit.   This FREE online virtual conference is happening March 24-30, and includes 35 of my favorite health experts, authors, doctors, bloggers, farmers and activists , and I get to listen to them from the comfort of my own couch 🙂

Ann Marie Michaels, the host of the Healthy Life Summit,  is a leading advocate of the real food movement and is passionate about leveraging digital media to help spread the word about healthy living choices.  In 2008, she founded Real Food Media – now Village Green Network – providing the highest-quality information from the best bloggers on organic and natural food and lifestyle. She runs a network of healthy lifestyle bloggers that has opened my eyes to so many ways we can improve our health; from small changes in our food choices, why we should shun plastic, natural ointments and salves for bruises, cuts and scrapes, healthy recipes and more.

I share many of the posts I love on my Facebook page, so many of you are aware of some of the authors already, but here’s a full list of the speakers:

Healthy Eating

Diane Sanfilippo, author of New York Times bestsellerPractical Paleo – The 21-Day Sugar Detox

Bill Staley and Hayley Mason, authors of Make It Paleo – Make It Paleo

Julia Ross, author of The Mood Cure and The Diet Cure – Healing the Mind and Body with Food

Dr. Kaayla Daniel, author of the Whole Soy Story – Practice Safe Soy

Kelly the Kitchen Kop – Transitioning Your Family from Junk Food to Real Food

Mark McAfee, Organic Pastures Raw Dairy – The War on Milk

Jenny McGruther, Nourished Kitchen – Techniques for Making Real Food Easy & Affordable


Healthy Body

Liz Wolfe of Cave Girl Eats – SKINTERVENTION

Vanessa Romero, Healthy Living How To – Losing Weight & Healing Your Hormones in Your 40s

Donna Gates, author of The Body Ecology Diet – Conquering Systemic Infection: Essential to Good Health

Robin Konie, Thank Your Body – Movement for Eliminating Chronic Pain and Weight Loss

Dr. Carolyn Dean, author of The Magnesium Miracle – Why You Need Magnesium

Matt Stone, 180 Degree Health – Metabolism and Stress – An Inner Tug of War

Dr. Dean Howell – NeuroCranial Restructuring (NCR)


Healthy Babies & Kids

Kristen Michaelis of – Why Pre-Conception & Pregnancy Diets Matter

Sally Fallon Morell, author of Nourishing Traditions – Feeding and Caring for Babies and Children

Emily Bartlett, LAc, of – Treating Eczema from the Inside Out

Robyn O’Brien, author of The Unhealthy Truth and founder of – Generation RX

Genevieve Pazdan, of – Cloth Diapers Made Easy

Sarah Pope, The Healthy Home Economist – Is Breast Really Always Best?

Cara Comini, Health, Home & Happiness – Recovering from Autism with Diet


Healthy Living

Chris Kresser – Chrono-Disruption: The Dark Side Of Artificial Light

Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception andGenetic Roulette – Health and Environmental Dangers of GMOs

Matt & Betsy Jabs, – Natural DIY Projects: Save Money & Improve Your Health

Mary Cordaro, – Nesting Reframed: Creating Healthy Homes

Daniel Vitalis, founder of Surthrival – Rewilding Yourself

Louisa Williams, author of Radical Medicine – Radical Medicine

Heather Dessinger, Mommypotamus – Homemade Beauty Products Safe Enough to Eat


Healthy World

Joel Salatin, Polyface Farms – Folks, This Ain’t Normal!

Brandon Sheard, Farmstead Meatsmith – Welcome to the Sausage Party: How to Slaughter & Butcher Animals at Home

Tamara Wilder, – Paleo Technology: Ancient Skills in a Modern World

Chris Kerstonof Chaffin Family Orchards – Sustainable Grass-based Farms Can Save the Planet

Kristin Canty, Director of Farmageddon – The Attack on American Farms

Birke Baehr, 14-year-old Future Organic Farmer – What’s Wrong with Our Food?

Graham Merriwether, Director of American Meat – From CAFOS to Sustainable, Grass-fed Agriculture


I just love being able to listen to these summits, in my home, while alone and able to give myself some quiet time to spend on learning how to continue to improve my health. And to be honest, I can’t imagine ever being able to afford the insights all of these folks can offer. So I’m planning to attend it live, but also to buy a copy of the recordings so I can listen again, and catch the parts I’m sure I’ll miss the first time around.  I just love carving out some alone time and staying focused to improving my health, learning new tips for healthy living, and discovering all the ways I can keep my family happy and healthy.

If you can’t watch the event live, or you want to be sure you catch parts you’ll probably miss in the live summit, you can order a copy of the full Summit by clicking on this image below.And since I’m a mmeber of the group, I can offer and you can save 75% off the cost! I’m so excited to offer this to you because the information that will come out of this summit is invaluable and worth much more than the $49 price. I can’t even get into a holistic doctor’s office for less than that 🙂


Healthy LIving Summit


Healthy Llving Summit


healthy living summit

































In the beginning I was just a sad lump of statistics: 5’2, 3 daily medications, knocking on the door of 200lbs at 191lbs.  Let me be clear:

Paleo  Belle


I thought I knew what good nutrition was; I worked out, counted calories, and never snacked.  In the summer of 2012 I started a personal voyage to get into shape.  For 2 months I worked out 3-5 times a week and ate 1200-1400 calories a day.  I tracked everything.  Nothing worked. I thought long gone were the days of weighing 130 and being fit.

In late August 2012 my husband and I decided to try and start a family.  I was on a sleep narcotic for 6 years, blood pressure medicine (2 years), and stomach medicine (2 years).  I knew that if I wanted to create a healthy human being I would have to become healthy myself.


I called my doctor’s office to schedule a visit to change my medicine. Fortunately my doctor couldn’t squeeze me in for a few weeks and felt it was important for me to be seen immediately.  He passed the paper chart that defined ‘me’ around the practice to see if anyone would be willing to pick me up.


This is the point where my life took a 180.  As my chart was passed around that office is came across Dr. Scott Kempton.  He saw the paper version of me:

27, 5’2, 191lbs, bp medication, stomach medication, sleep narcotic, wanted to start having babies.

Dr. Kempton blocked out 30 minutes of his last shift on a Friday to talk to me.

As I walked into the office of that blessed Friday I did not expect to find the angel that would save my life.  Dr. Kempton walked into the waiting room he informed me he was going to change everything I believed about nutrition and health.

He was right.   sickandtired

With conviction and passion Dr. Kempton explained to me the ideal ancestral life plan called Paleo.  A practice he had been diligently following for decades. Sitting there I learned about the dangers of gluten, grain, dairy, sugars, and processed food.  He also convinced me that I was suffering from metabolic syndrome; essentially my body was shutting down and packing on any gluten and non food items as fat.  He also gave me homework and answered all my questions. The puzzle of why I couldn’t loose weight was solved.  But would it fixed all the other issues; high blood pressure, acid reflux, indigestion, and insomnia?

I left that office feeling refreshed and hopeful.  I immediately went to the store and bought all the essentials to start my journey.  When I got home my excitement and uncontainable, my husband was blown away by my enthusiasm.  I also think he was very overwhelmed.  The truth was:


I got rid of all the gluten, legumes, grains, sugars, dairy, and processed food.  Within a couple days I was off my stomach medicine and sleeping like a baby. I was motivated to press on despite the ravaging cravings.

Within a week I was down 9lbs of water weight, my eyes were bright blue, lips were luscious red, my skin was soft and glowing.

In a month and a half I was down 15lbs, off all my medications, high energy, positive attitude, and my mind was clearer than it had ever been.  My life had been turned around and people were noticing my miraculous transformation. At 2 months I had been interviewed and been given the cover AND centerfold of the local magazine.

Dr. Kempton and Paleo saved my life.  I have been Paleo for 6 months. have not touched gluten for 5 months (and do not plan to touch it again), I am down 40lbs and I feel AMAZING!

My passion is to spread the word in the most positive and upbeat way possible.  Taking the first step is the hardest but I recommend JUMPING end.  In this case the grass is greener.  Leap in, there are a plethora of people and resources out there to help you get your own start.

Get your life back, find your passion, become healthy, LIVE!

Imagine what Paleo can do for you!paleobelle2


Is a gluten-free diet really healthier for us?

I’ve been asked often if a gluten-free diet is healthier for someone who isn’t gluten intolerant. Meaning, does everyone gain something from going gluten-free, or just those with a sensitivity or allergy (Celiac)? This is a tough one because it really comes down to how you treat the gluten-free lifestyle. If you’re simply replacing your gluten-ful products with their gluten-free counterparts, than my answer is NO, it’s not a healthier diet.

If however, you take this as a chance to get back to basics, and explore the many amazing foods that are available which don’t come processed and pre-packaged, you’re absolutely on your way to a healthier lifestyle. I have reversed some pretty scary health issues by removing grains and dairy from my diet, and I have talked to countless other folks who have as well. If you follow the Primal or Paleo movements, you know that there are medical professionals who share stories of patients who have reversed diabetes, lost  weight, reduced anxiety and depression, overcome fatigue, balanced blood pressure levels, stabilized thyroid functions and more.

While I avoid almost all packaged foods, I completely understand the need for having something quick and easy on-hand for those moments when hunger pangs strike. We all know what it feels like to have your sugar levels go crazy; in fact, we joke that our son is like the Snickers commercials – he’s just not himself when he’s hungry!

But let’s face it, the gluten-free versions of bread, muffins, cookies, crackers and the like are often made from rice grains, potato starch, sugar and/or HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) which can wreak havoc on our digestive tracts and our blood sugar levels. So unfortunately, the gluten-free stuff you’re eating now might not be any better for you, which is why it’s important to not over-due these foods (if at all).

So here are some tips for keeping it simple when you’re gluten (and grain) free. 

First, focus on nature’s foods. Fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, seeds and whatever protein sources you like. By cutting back on starchy carbs, you will naturally avoid the sugar spikes they cause and help your body to aid in easier digestion by focusing on foods which it was naturally designed to eat.

Second, be prepared. Yep, this lifestyle requires a bit more prep work than you’re used to, and while you can still enjoy the occasional gluten-free snacks, it’s best not to count on them.  We make our lunches the night before, prep our meals on Sunday for the week, pre-cook what we can, go to the grocery store often so our food is fresh and our supplies are full, and share recipes with friends and family who are on the same path so we can keep things interesting !

Here are some of the fresh snacks I keep on hand every day (had to upgrade my purse a bit to accommodate all our snacks, but it’s totally worth it): fresh sliced fruit, grapes, berries, nuts, seeds and trail mixes (just watch that the ingredients are gluten-free).  Some of the brands we love are Thunderbird Energetica bars, Larabars, Happy Hemp seeds and Kind Life snack kits.

And remember, it will take some time for your palette to adjust to the difference in appreciating naturally sweetened foods from artificially sweetened ones. There’s a big difference, and it will take a little while for both the cravings to stop, and for you to appreciate healthier foods.

Third, be kind to yourself. This whole journey will take some time to get used to, and you will have moments where you feel stronger than others. If you fall off the wagon into a glutenous cupcake, just get back up again when you’re done, and get back on track. if you’re intolerant or allergic, that misstep will set you back a week or two from the amazing improvements you had enjoyed, but it doesn’t mean you can’t get back to feeling great again.  And if you’re focused on a gluten-free diet because you just feel better when you avoid processed foods, then the same will be true of your progress, though you won’t feel nearly as bad as the allergic folks will from a set back.

So what do you think? Are you feeling better since going gluten-free? I’d love to hear your stories, what works for you, or even if you gave up and went back to gluten. No judgements – we can always take away something from other people’s journeys, so please share below!




It’s one of the first chilly spells in Austin for the year, and we’re enjoying some college football (Go Horns and Gators!) and prepping our burgers. While our version today is made with ground turkey, we’re following this recipe for quick and delish bison burgers. You can view the recipe we’re following today, and a full Paleo meal plan on Bodybuilder’s site here. I hope to have meal plans on here for y’all one day, but for now, I’m sharing other’s Paleo plans that will help keep you on a healthy diet track.

Remember  – the path to better health starts with food, and the Paleo diet is one of the best ways to get there. It’s a simple, straightforward diet and I’ve written about it quite a bit. You can search Paleo on the top right of the site and find recipes and posts galore, or you can check out this post for Paleo approved foods, Paleo restricted foods  and check out this site for some Paleo Meal Plans.

Here’s the recipe we’re making and more helpful Paleo tips below.  The Paleo diet is a much researched and written about way of life; my best advice to you is to treat it like a launching pad for better health. Find your balance once you heal and you’ll discover the Paleo plan that’s right for you. For  now, I’m going to enjoy some tasty burgers, a  salad and some grilled asparagus. Yum!


Paleo Bison Burgers

Paleo Bison Burgers


  • 1 lb Organic Ground Bison
  • 1 Shallot
  • 2 Jalapeno Peppers
  • 1 Egg
  • 3 Garlic Cloves
  • Sea Salt and Pepper to taste


  1. Turn oven to broil. Arrange rack so baking pan is close to heat.
  2. Cover baking pan with aluminum foil and set aside.
  3. Combine all ingredients and form into patties.
  4. Place patties on the center of the baking pan and broil for 6-8 minutes. Flip and broil for another 6-8 minutes.
  5. When both sides are golden brown, remove from oven.


Sharing from


When I started my health journey a few years ago, I discovered kale in large part thanks to my nutritionist. Admittedly, I had never even tried kale, let alone knew why it was such a powerful food.  She explained that I was experiencing oxidative stress, chronic inflammation and various auto-immune conditions that caused my liver to stop functioning properly. Poor liver function lead to an inability to clear my estrogen levels, creating an estrogen-dominant condition which was causing all sorts of health issues.   So she suggested I find ways to enjoy at least one serving of kale daily, which led me to discover kale smoothies, juices and homemade kale chips. 

But before I share one of our favorite kale chip recipes with you, I thought I would cover some of the basics of why kale is such an amazing superfood and perhaps help convince you to enjoy it too!

Kale is an amazing super-green that has been studied in large part for it’s antioxidant-related health benefits, including it’s role in cancer prevention and/or treatment, as well liver clearance and overall general well being. 

Kale for cancer?

Folks in the alternative health sector have promoted natural cancer preventatives for years, and much focus has been placed on the anti-cancer benefit potential of kale. No, I’m not suggesting kale consumption can replace chemo, however, it’s an important component to reducing oxidative stress, which leads to chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation has many detrimental health effects, including fostering of cancer development and increased cardio/heart stress.

Here’s where we get a bit technical… 

Like most of its fellow cruciferous vegetables, kale has been studied more extensively in relationship to cancer than any other health condition. Kale’s nutrient richness stands out in three particular areas: (1) antioxidant nutrients, (2) anti-inflammatory nutrients, and (3) anti-cancer nutrients (in the form of glucosinolates). Here’s where we get a bit technical: without sufficient intake of antioxidants, our oxygen metabolism can become compromised, and we can experience a metabolic problem called “oxidative stress.” Without sufficient intake of anti-inflammatory nutrients, regulation of our inflammatory system can become compromised, and we can experience chronic inflammation. Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation—and the combination of these metabolic problems—are risk factors for development of cancer. Various research studies have been published on 5 specific types of cancer—including bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer—and intake of cruciferous vegetables (specifically including kale). As a group, these studies definitely show cancer preventive benefits from kale intake, and in some cases, treatment benefits as well.

Another amazing benefit of kale? The omega-3s in kale are an important part of kale’s anti-inflammatory benefits; it only takes 100 calories of kale to provide us with 25-35% of the National Academy of Sciences’ public health recommendation for the most basic omega-3 fatty acid.

And lastly (at least for this post!) kale has been shown to help aid in both digestion and clearing of the liver, making it an important component to many detox protocols.

Back to the fun stuff!

Want to know how to eat a whole head of kale in one sitting (and enjoy it?) Here’s a quick recipe for homemade Kale Chips that take less than 20 minutes to make and are always a big hit with both adults and kids!  I use these as an alternative to potato and corn chips, and keep them on hand for those moments when you crave something a little salty. They travel well, so feel free to make extra and pack them in a ziplock for your trips out anytime you’ll want to dip; salsa, cream dips and hummus all work well with kale chips!



Homemade Kale chips

Homemade Kale chips


  • 1 bunch Kale
  • 1 Tbsp Olive oil or Coconut Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Chili Flakes


  1. Wash and dry kale leaves.
  2. Cut out center stem from each leaf and discard.
  3. Tear into pieces and put in a bowl.
  4. Toss with seasonings and olive or coconut oil then spread on a greased baking sheet.
  5. Bake at 350°F for 7 minutes, remove from oven and toss.
  6. Then continue baking for 10 minutes or until leaves are crisp.

There are so many incredible foods to share with you on the “approved foods” list,  which might sound funny to some of you, since you first hear that you have to omit all processed foods including grains, sugar and dairy and think “what the hell am I going to eat then?”

The truth is, MyPaleo diet focuses on fresh, healthy and delicious foods which we can build upon to help adapt to the way of life we’ve grown accustomed to. So instead of feeling as though we’re living without, we can get back to enjoying whole (unprocessed) foods in a way that is similar to what you’re used to now. The major difference? You will be preparing the foods yourself, rather than buying them pre-made in the stores. So in other words, you can save up your Good Karma Food points, and spend them on your cheat day, and enjoy a muffin, cookie, pizza, pasta, etc. The key is to still stick with the good benefits you’ve learned from the Paleo lifestyle, which is to make those goodies with coconut oil, rather than any other processed oils, to replace sugar with coconut sugar or stevia, to use raw cacao instead of milk chocolate, etc.  

The trick to loving MyPaleo is to adapt it to suit your specific needs, and in a way that makes you feel most comfortable. Don’t get me wrong, this wont be easy at first, and you will definitely go through phases of withdrawal, especially if you’re a hard core processed food guy or gal. But remember, this is a lifelong journey that you’re about to embark on, and one that you have to be committed to.

So ask yourself:

Am I ready to reverse the damage that this current unhealthy American diet I’m on has caused?

Do I want to look and feel younger than I can remember feeling?

Do I want to have more energy? Lose weight? Potentially prevent cancer? Stop worrying about words like obesity, diabetes, fatigue, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc?

I’m guessing yes, otherwise you wouldn’t be here! So while I will continue to post thoughts about why we live the MyPalelo life, how to start, how to stay focused, and most importantly, what it means to store your good karma points, read on for the initial list of foods you can love while living the Paleo life.

Here’s a quick review of the No List again for review: 

  • Processed foods
  • Grains
  • Legumes
  • Soy
  • Added Sugar
  • Dairy
  • Alcohol
  • White potatoes
  • Vegetable oils

Now, here’s what you CAN eat: 

  • All animal proteins
  • All vegetables, except as listed above
  • All fruits (in moderation)
  • Quality fat sources: coconut products, olives and olive oil, avocados
  • Nuts and seeds (in moderation)

Recommended Fats and Oils:

  • Coconut oil – organic and virgin
  • Red palm or palm kernel oil – organic and virgin
  • Butter
  • Ghee
  • Animal fats – lard, beef and lamb tallow, chicken/duck/goose fat

Safer Fats for Cooking (stir-frying, sautéing, low heat):

  • Olive oil – unfiltered, organic, extra virgin
  • Avocado oil
  • Macadamia nut oil
  • Sesame oil


The Paleo diet allows meat from all animal sources, including more exotic meats like bison and venison. Avoid processed meats such as cold cuts, hot dogs and sausages, and be sure to focus on grass-fed meats, rather than the more commonly found grain-fed meats to avoid the harm from grains which the animals had consumed. Yes, it’s true that you eat what they ate, so be clear and dedicated to your grain-free life by eating grass-fed meds whenever possible.


Eggs are a great source of protein, and whole eggs are recommended for the Paleo diet; because of their higher nutrient content, eggs from free-range chickens are recommended over those from caged chickens.

Vegetables: Fibrous vegetables are highly recommended on the Paleo diet because they are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Fibrous vegetables include lettuce, spinach, celery, cabbage, peppers, kale, and asparagus. Remember, starchy vegetables like potatoes and yams should be avoided.

I hate to say “forbidden” as it makes it seem so dramatic; but the reality is, the current state of our health is a dramatic crisis for many people. We are suffering rates of obesity, diabetes, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, imbalanced hormones, adrenal fatigue, food sensitivities, ADD, ADHD and various immune compromises and more, at alarming rates.

And the research is everywhere pointing to our food supply. From Harvard University to private research firms, there are plenty of studies showing how our food supplies have been modified/manipulated, and what that’s doing to research animals, and therefore assumed to be doing to us as well.

So remember, this is about a whole lifestyle change. About turning from refined and processed foods to a life full of WHOLE, UNPROCESSED FOODS.  Our goal here is to help you reconfigure your plates so the majority of each meal is created from an abundance of raw and cooked vegetables, protein, fruits, nuts and seeds.

The following categories of food are forbidden on the MyPaleo diet,  but remember, you’re encouraged to save up your “good karma points” from the days you follow the MyPaleo diet, and use them on a splurge day. Just knowing you have 1 splurge day a week helps many people overcome the weaker moments when our minds trick us into thinking we want something sweet or generally anything on the forbidden list.  And to be honest, the better you start to feel, the less likely you will be to cash in on those good karma points, but be sure to keep them in a reserve as you never know when you’ll get an invitation to a Mexican themed party full of corn chips and margaritas! 🙂

Refined Sugars

There is a long list of ingredients which are essentially “sugar” which we include below. You may choose to allow small amounts of honey or pure maple syrup – but this would have been a rare treat.

Here is a list of some of the possible code words for “sugar” which may appear on a label. Hint: the words “syrup”, “sweetener”, and anything ending in “ose” can usually be assumed to be “sugar”. If the label says “no added sugars”, it should not contain any of the following, although the food could contain naturally-occurring sugars (such as lactose in milk).

  • Agave Nectar
  • Barley Malt Syrup
  • Corn sweetener
  • Corn syrup, or corn syrup solids
  • Dehydrated Cane Juice
  • Dextrin
  • Dextrose
  • Fructose
  • Fruit juice concentrate
  • Glucose
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Honey
  • Invert sugar
  • Lactose
  • Maltodextrin
  • Malt syrup
  • Maltose
  • Maple syrup
  • Molasses
  • Raw sugar
  • Rice Syrup
  • Saccharose
  • Sorghum or sorghum syrup
  • Sucrose
  • Syrup
  • Treacle
  • Turbinado Sugar
  • Xylose


Yes, there were wild grains, and a few roasted kernels have been found in ancient fires. But really – how much wild grain could have been collected at a time? Answer: not much.

Sorry folks – Corn is a grain.

Starchy Tubers

This is an area where many experts disagree, but in general, we suggest avoiding:

  • Potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Yams
  • Cassava
  • Manioc
  •  Beets – limited quantities

Legumes (Beans, Peas, Peanuts)

These are usually omitted on the premise that most of them can’t be eaten without cooking, and that legumes have a high content of lectins and other antinutrients. Research into lectins is in its infancy and not a lot is known about this with any certainty, but if you are interested, Loren Cordain’s 2012 book, >The Paleo Answer: 7 Days to Lose Weight, Feel Great, Stay Young has a great section about what is known at the present time.

Quick note – we don’t have as much of an issue with legumes as many other Paleo diets do, so feel free to enjoy your green beans, but keep them in moderation. As for peas, they don’t offer much nutritional value, and quickly convert to sugar once eaten, so they are generally recommended as something to avoid, and rather, store up those good karma points for a pea salad splurge 🙂

Dairy Products

Here’s what we know: early people did not eat dairy products before animals were domesticated. It has been pointed out that there has been adaptation to dairy products in some genetic lines, but most experts exclude eating dairy including milk, butter, cream, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, etc. Others say that butter (and to a lesser extent cream) don’t have much lactose or casein and are probably OK on occasion. All would agree that if you are going to eat dairy, make sure the animals are grass-fed, or better yet, seek out raw forms whenever possible.

Some Meats

Most processed meats (made with nitrites and additives) are not allowed, including hot dogs, bacon, sausage, and lunch meats, although sometimes more healthy forms of these can be found. If you’re of the lucky group who can find naturally prepared lunch meats by your local grocer, which are free of nitrites, additives and preservatives, then by all means – enjoy. Note there is a difference between processed (e.g. hot dogs) and simply “cured” (e.g. bacon), and it’s important to know the source, and their preparation methods.


Definitely avoid the following:

  • Corn oil
  • Cottonseed oil
  • Peanut oil
  • Soybean oil (same as soy oil)
  • Rice bran oil
  • Wheat germ oil

This includes products, such as mayonnaise, which include these oils.

  • Trans fats in packaged foods
  • Canola oil – genetically modified and turns rancid quickly
  • Cottonseed oil – genetically modified, pesticide-laden, hydrogenated


There are too many reasons to mention why soy is terrible for us, so please click here for the full review of soy and its harmful effects. And if you’re a parent feeding soy to your babies and/or children, please PLEASE, read this!

Now that you have a cheat sheet of foods to avoid, we will be following up with foods to cherish next! The key here is to focus NOT on what you CAN’T have, but rather, on what you CAN have. That list is lengthy, and full of delicious options. The key is managing your time; this is not a “convenience” food diet. This is a way of life that requires you to plan ahead as much as possible to have items on hand to take with you while out of the home, and to have plenty of delicious meals ready for you.

Thanks to Robb Wolf for this handy little tool!  He has compiled some helpful Paleo tools that we are sharing here for your benefit. 

A little about Robb….

Robb Wolf, a former research biochemist is the New York Times Best Selling author of The Paleo Solution – The Original Human Diet. A student of Prof. Loren Cordain, author of The Paleo Diet, Robb has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world via his top ranked iTunes podcast, book and seminars. 

Here’s a quick preview, and be sure to click at the end of the preview to view the full pdf. 





