“It’s up to you”. That’s how the powerful film, the Future of Food ends. One powerful statement about the right to know what’s in our food.

With the rate of  allergies, autism, ADHD and asthma on the rise, earning these conditions the nickname “the 4 As”, and with heart attacks, cancer and immune diseases continuing to escalate, many Americans are growing more and more weary of what we’re eating, and how our food supply is affecting our health. Inspired Eats is about finding healthy alternatives to food-based allergens, however, along the way I’ve discovered a growing community of concerned citizens who are fighting a long and difficult battle of ensuring Americans are aware of what we’re eating.


For those of you following a gluten free and paleo diet, the occasional comfort food meal is encouraged, so long as you stick to the healthy Paleo guidelines. So when I saw this post on Cavegirl Cuisine’s site for a gluten free, paleo eggplant recipe, I had to share it. Our version is slightly modified, but you can see her original version here

What I love about this recipe is the almond meal which helps the eggplant maintain a crunchy, fried, aspect to it, even though it’s baked.  So you can enjoy this guilt-free, delish version of a formerly unhealthy meal! 

Paleo “Fried” Eggplant Marinara (on a bed of greens)

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

Yield: 4 servings

Paleo “Fried” Eggplant Marinara (on a bed of greens)


  • 1 medium eggplant
  • 2 cups almond meal
  • 1 cup marinara sauce or fresh diced tomatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 cups of greens (I used arugula)
  • 1T macadamia nut oil


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper.
  3. Peel eggplant and slice into 1/4 inch rounds.
  4. Whisk eggs in a medium bowl.
  5. Place almond meal in another bowl.
  6. Dredge each eggplant round in the eggs and then coat with the almond meal on each side.
  7. Place on the parchment paper
  8. Repeat for all of the eggplant.
  9. Drizzle or mist the oil over the coated rounds.
  10. Salt and pepper lightly.
  11. Cook for 30 minutes.
  12. In the meantime, place a cup of greens on each plate.
  13. Divide the cooked eggplant among the plates.
  14. Put a 1/4 cup of marinara sauce or fresh tomatoes over the top of each serving. Enjoy!

For those of us following the Paleo or Primal Blueprint diets, pancakes are a thing of the past, right?

At least, that’s what I thought until I ran across this recipe on Mark’s Daily Apple. It’s definitely more carb-centric than much of what he suggests but as he states many times, those of us following the Primal Blueprint can allow for an indulgence now and then and still keep on track with our goals for health, wellness, weight loss, etc. That said, this is a delish and healthy indulgence and one I’m excited to make again this weekend. I hope you enjoy it too!


Paleo ‘Pancakes’

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes

Yield: 4 pancakes

Paleo ‘Pancakes’


  • 2 bananas
  • 1 egg
  • 1-2 Tbs almond butter
  • fresh blueberries
  • 1/4 cup walnuts, chopped
  • 1 tsp. coconut oil


  1. Mash the bananas, add the egg and mix well.
  2. Stir in the almond butter, adding more than a tablespoon if you want a more pancake-like texture.
  3. Warm the coconut oil in a pan and pour batter into small cakes.
  4. Brown on each side and serve warm topped with fresh blueberries.
  5. Enjoy!!



Ahh, the juicy, sticky, chewy goodness of fruit rollups brings back memories of  childhood –  twisting and pulling it from my teeth after making all sorts of weird shapes with it. Now that I think about it, I’m not sure how it got that pliable quality, and its probably best I dont know!

But, since I’m living Paleo, and trying to keep my son on the Paleo track too, they aren’t something I let him enjoy. So, when I found this recipe I was excited to give it a shot for him, and excited at how simple and clever the idea is!  They take a bit of time to bake, so you’ll have to plan ahead for a time when you’ll be around for a couple hours to let them bake, but they stay good for a couple weeks so go ahead and make a big batch and keep slipping them in your kids lunch boxes and feel good about it!


These tasty gluten and grain free chicken tenders came from a recipe I found on Marksdailyapple and are super easy to make.

They’re a great alternative for kids, and perfect to use atop a salad when you’re craving a bit of a salty/crunchy treat. Plus they’re perfect to pair with an asian-inspired or spicy-fruit dipping sauce (think mango chutney) if you want to serve them as an appetizer instead!

Enjoy 🙂

The sometimes controversial, former Biggest Loser trainer, Jillian Michaels is giving away a one month free trial to her personalized weight loss program for all of her Facebook Fans. If you’re not yet a fan of Jillian’s page, you can “like” her page on Facebook and will be able to take advantage of this offer. Now, I can’t vouch for her program personally, but with all the success from the Biggest Loser contestants, I have to imagine that it can’t hurt to at least take advantage of a FREE trial.

To kick off 2012, my friends at jillianmichaels.com are offering all of my Facebook fans 30 days free. The best part about jm.com is that it now offers all new tools, including a calorie counter, Food & Fitness journal & 140 killer exercise videos. Click here to check it out https://www.jillianmichaels.com/register.aspx?promo=DD841951-C215-47F6-872A-F20371C86F25
If you do join, please let us know your thoughts on her program!
In good health, 
Wellness Dish