I never thought I’d have a food blog – I wasn’t very impressive in the kitchen and everyone who knows me knows I much prefer to have someone else create something amazing than to try to tackle it myself. But then came 2010 and my body shut down, my brain quit working and getting out of bed became a bigger task that I could have ever imagined, and along this auto-immune journey, I’ve had to change my old ways of thinking.

I had to start preparing my own meals so I could be sure to avoid allergic foods, and control the quality of what I was eating.  I gave up most of my favorites, and hated life for a while. We discovered the gluten-free, Paleo way of life. We switched from plastic to glass, from non stick to cast iron, and I was now taking more supplements in a day than I used to take in a month. I needed to find a way to love my new (food) life.

Then one day my palette changed, and I learned to love feeling healthy and looking better.  I’m more patient now, so taking the time to prepare meals doesn’t drive me nuts like it used to. And I’m actually kind of enjoying the feeling of creating something from scratch that my guys like too.  Neither one of them is very good at sugar-coating their thoughts on my dishes, so when I do get something right I love their feedback.

So here’s my attempt at recreating an old favorite – cool whip. It took  a few times, and I got the best version when I let the can sit opened in the fridge for 3 nights.  I made it on the 4th day, and since I used the same brand and method as I have in the past, I’m confident that was the key step. Oh, and as for the type of coconut milk, grab full fat, organic milk with only milk, water and a stabilizer like guar gum.

Whipped coconut milk lets me make a kick ass dessert that would rival my old fave – Cool Whip. Man, I love it when I get them right!

whipped coconut cream

Step 1: Add maple syrup and vanilla to coconut milk

whipped coconut cream

Step 2: whip the cream until fluffy (about 30 seconds)





This week I’ve been craving something sweet. Some days I’m stronger than the cravings, some days they’re gone, and some days my mouth waters thinking about a hunk of dark, semi sweet chocolate.

Most of my cravings are gone thanks to a grain and sugar-free diet, but occasionally my mind wins and I find myself staring at the inside of the fridge, willing it to have something that will melt in my mouth with rich, chocolate goodness.  Without eggs, grains, oats and nut flours, cookies are tough and I’ve been looking for healthy alternatives to satisfy my need for sweet goodness. I’m still working on some raw options, but tonight I wanted something tasty, easy and that wouldn’t leave my belly in a sad funky state.

Then it hit me 🙂

Coconut milk is something I always have in stock; I use it in my coffee in place of milk or cream, and it makes an amazing whipped topping. So tonight, instead of making a vanilla whipped cream, I decided to throw in some raw Cocoa and sweeten it with a touch of stevia. The result was a delicious, light whipped desert that my 8 year old ended up fighting me for. I love it when he fights me over a healthy treat!

Super simple to make, and uses ingredients we always have on hand,  you can whip this up anytime the urge hits. Follow these tips to keep your belly happy and healthy!

Items to keep on hand at all times:

  • Full-fat Coconut Milk in the fridge (store cans upside down to make it easier to separate the thick coconut from the liquid, making your whipped treat frothier)
  • Raw (unsweetened) Cocoa
  • Raw stevia, honey or maple syrup (sweeteners of choice)
  • Gluten-free, pure vanilla extract


Gluten-free, Vegan Coco-Coconut Cream


  • 1 Can Full Fat Coconut Milk
  • 1/4 Cup Raw Cocoa
  • 1/2 Tsp Pure GF Vanilla Extract
  • Sweetener of choice, to taste


  1. Open a can of Full-fat Coconut Milk and leave in fridge overnight (best for full, whipped creamy dessert).
  2. Pour Coconut Milk into mixing bowl.
  3. Add Cocoa and Vanilla Extract.
  4. Whip on low speed for 1-2 minutes until fully blended.
  5. Add sweetener of choice in 1/4 tsp doses until desired sweetness is reached.












