It takes 3 weeks to change a habit.    

At least, that’s what I’m told. But to be honest, I’m doing a candida cleanse right now, and I had to give up even more foods which I tested positive to for food allergies. More on that to come, but essentially with food intolerances comes leaky gut, which causes some foods to pass through the intestinal walls and make their way to the blood stream, at which point our handly little immune system perks up and starts fighting off the ‘foreign invaders’. And thus my list of food intolerances grows. Ahhh……  

So here I am, day 21 on the candida cleanse, and I’m facing an evening of a small gathering of friends at our house, where my hubby will make his fabulous margaritas and I will be sipping my soda water with lime, pretending it’s a tasty little marg. No folks, it’s not easy, and for those who swear that 21 days breaks a habit, I will admit it’s probably true. But it doesn’t mean it’s an easy feat, so bear that in mind when you head down this path to change your life. 

So as I’m launching the “MyPaleo” section of Inspiredeats, I thought I would give a tickler of what we’ll be focused on.  To start, I’m suggesting a 21 day challenge to reboot your system, cleanse your liver and help get your mindset back on track from the nutrient-void processed and packaged foods we’ve all grown accustomed to. We will help set you on the path to the nutrient-dense whole foods which we are advocates of around here and be there to help you along the way.  

What’s coming?

Candid tell all’s.  How real people, just like you, decided to make a life changing look at food, and set down a path of improved health & energy levels, clearer mind, reversal of health issues and weight loss.

Recipes.  MyPaleo style. Paleo, Primal blueprint, caveman diet – whatever you want to call it, we’ll help make sure you adapt a healthy version of the popular Paleo diet that works for you. MyPaleo is based on a Paleo plan that works for everyone, and ensures all the benefits of eating as our ancestors did (and as we were developed too) and will naturally eliminate allegens, toxins & genetically modified foods. 

Daily meal plans. All plans will be free of the top food allergens, and allow for a once weekly cheat day with suggestions on the cheat meals that will help curb the cravings, but not stray too far from the good you’ve done all week.

Nutritional supplements.  This diet is rich in whole foods, full of valuable nutrients the body needs, however, most people just starting off on the Mypaleo life will need some help from some fantastic nutritional supplements to help make sure your body is clean, strong and well balanced.  Not to mention that without balanced hormones, weight loss is near impossible!


So as we prep you for the Mypaleo 21 day challenge, I leave you with a thought as I get ready to entertain our guests. Nothing tastes better than good health and your genes do not dictate your future.  You have the power to reverse the damage from years of pr
ocessed and genetically modified foods; you just have to believe that you’re worth it. 
And if it helps, I believe you’re worth it. That’s why Inspiredeats exists.   
Love & laughter to all, 