Guest writer, Elissa Garr, talks about getting back to basics and healing our society through conscious efforts related to food and lifestyle choices.

I have always considered myself educated.  I have been learning since I was a baby and have never stopped.  I am by trade a teacher and counselor.  I have always been extremely observant to the actions, words, and deeds of others and the motivations behind them.

Like many, I have started to notice a terrifying trend; the vast obesity of Americans.  Not just the obesity of adults but the obesity of children, the children I teach every day.

If you are a member of this blog, you are not a stranger to the dangers of wheat, sugars, processed and man-made foods.  My questions is……..


The information is out there, yet people blatantly ignore it.  I have searched for research that supports the healthy benefits of wheat, I can find very few and it is obvious that the risks out weigh the benefits.  Yet people still continue to gorge themselves with numerous servings of wheat daily. Our own government boasts at the benefits and daily recommendations of whole wheat and in the same breath conduct dangerous genetically modifying experiments and we the people are it’s test subjects. People see the negative effects of these ‘foods’ and yet fail to blame them or accept responsibly for their choices.







