Dairy Free Recipes

Gluten-free, Dairy-free Pumpkin Crunch Casserole

This is a great gluten-free, dairy-free sweet casserole option for the holidays! Using almonds and chia seeds rather than grains, and coconut milk and oil in place of dairy-based ingredients,...

Gluten Free Persimmon Spiced Scones

I’ve heard that when you cut out a food from your diet, the cravings will fade, and your taste buds will change. And while I never really thought that was...

Roasted Acorn Squash Mash (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegan)

Gluten-free and Vegan, this roasted acorn squash mash recipe is a delish and easy side dish! Sundays are my favorite day of the week; a lazy brunch followed by an...

Homemade Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola Bars (Gluten free, Paleo)

Gluten free, Dairy free & Paleo friendly Granola bars – life is good again! As a mom of a third grader, I’m often on the hunt for quick, grab-n-go foods...

Bison Burgers and Paleo Meal Plans

It’s one of the first chilly spells in Austin for the year, and we’re enjoying some college football (Go Horns and Gators!) and prepping our burgers. While our version today...

Gluten free Carrot Cake Donuts (nut free)

As a child, I used to make Carrot Cake for holiday desserts; it was my grandpa’s favorite cake and I was always so excited to make him happy with my...

Soy free, Vegan ground ‘beef’

This recipe was sent to me by a friend who happens to know that I don’t love soy and avoid it as much as possible. It’s so nice to have...

Gluten & Dairy-free Apple & Cinnamon Cookies (Paleo)

Every once in a while, a girl needs something sweet. Adapted from a recipe featured on Facebook, these little gluten & dairy-free Apple & Cinnamon Cookies are to die for! And...

Keeping your child’s lunch box grain-free with cucumber ‘sandwich’ rolls

Last night while browsing some of my favorite Facebook pages, I ran across this recipe on Primal Fitness Performance’s page; another version of the quick and simple, grain-less lunch option for our...

Rita’s Healthy PB, Banana & Oatmeal cookies

There’s something about Fall that makes me crave warm, gooey foods; foods that satisfy a sweet tooth, or perhaps a hearty soup or chili.  However, living a mypaleo, allergy-free diet...

Gluten free 2 pepper chili is perfect for Fall’s chilly nights

We don’t get many cold days in Austin, so it’s a bit surprising to have 50 degree weather in early October; not to worry though – we’ll be back in...

Blueberry breakfast sausage; Paleo & Gluten free breakfast option

Stuck in a Paleo breakfast rut? If you’re looking for a breakfast option that incorporates something other than eggs, and are happy to explore some exciting new options, these Blueberry...