Chocolate, frothy goodness, packed with calcium and other vitamins? Yes please!

This is a simple, quick fix for those moments when the cravings hit, and you can substitute any preferred nut milk of choice and enjoy (generally) the same results.   Since we’re using raw cocao, I tend to use an immersion blender to help blend the cocao with the nut milk, but you can feel free to use a spoon and leave the chunks in if you’re so inclined. My son prefers it smooth, and I’m just happy to get some of the healthy benefits of raw cocoa and almond milk in his belly, so I’m happy to oblige!

Curious about raw cocao’s benefits? Unlike processed dark chocolate, antioxidants are preserved in raw cacao; benefits include much higher levels of antioxidants (oligomeric procynanidins, resveratrol and the polyphenols: catechin and epicatechin) as well as the naturally occurring vitamin C, phenethylamine (PEA, the feel good neurotransmitter responsible for the feeling of love!), Omega 6 fatty acids, tryptophan (a commonly deficient amino acid in those who consume a diet of mostly cooked food) and serotonin.

 With a touch of stevia, the raw cocao is sweet and still good for us. Enjoy!

Gluten free, dairy free 'Chocolate Milk'

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

Serving Size: 1 delicious glass

Gluten free, dairy free 'Chocolate Milk'


  • 1 glass almond milk (or nut milk of choice)
  • 2 heaping tablespoons raw cacao (we get ours from the bulk section)
  • 1 dropper full of liquid stevia (sweeten to taste)


  1. Blend all ingredients together and use an immersion blender for best results.
  2. Enjoy!