Daily Posts

Paleo, gluten free egg muffins

I don’t know about you, but one of our challenges around here is getting our son off to school in the morning with a healthy, non processed breakfast without having...

Healing properties of herbs and spices and why you should eat more of them

Looking for some quick and easy ways to incorporate more superfoods into your diet? When I started my healing path, I took a good look at what I was eating,...

Maple-Orange Glazed Brussels Sprouts with Pecans

Maple-Orange Glazed Brussels Sprouts with Pecans

Gone are the days of the bland Brussel Sprouts from our Grandma’s dinner tables; these sprouts are delicious and add a sweet and salty flair to the sprouts of the...

gluten free french toast

Gluten Free Spiced Banana French Toast

I love Sunday brunch; something about getting together with friends and family over a delicious breakfast filled with more exotic breakfast items than the standard egg dish is so appealing...

Bill Maher takes on horse meat, GMOs and the integrity of our food supply

In this hilarious “New Rules” segment Bill Maher takes on GMOs and the food supply. This is a must watch video for anyone who cares about our food supply. Or...

mila kunis

Mila Kunis: I’m Planning a Natural Birth

Mila Kunis is having a baby, and she’s got some serious fermented food cravings. Pickles and sauerkraut are at the top of her list, though she says she’s also indulging in...

Fed Up movie

Eye opening movie, Fed Up hits theaters today

‘The conventional wisdom about food and exercise over the past thirty years has been dead wrong.’ If you’re at all concerned with the rising rates of childhood obesity and type 2...

4th Trimester book

The 4th Trimester Bodies Project embraces the beauty of a mother’s body

The other day we caught word of a photo journalism effort called 4th Trimester Bodies Project that celebrates the beauty of a woman’s body after becoming a mom. This made...


What it’s like to live with Thyroiditis/Hashimotos Disease

Ok, so as if “gluten” isn’t an annoying enough word that has invaded my daily vocabulary, I also have to claim this one: Hashimoto’s Disease.  My dumb luck, I have an auto immune condition that...

Healthy Lunch Box Ideas

I prepped these tips for an event at our son’s elementary school. It’s the brain-child of a good friend of ours, and I’m excited to be a part of it....

Common sources of hidden gluten

In case you’re not aware, we recently launched an online store (called Happybelly) featuring our favorite certified gluten-free products that are safe and delicious for those of us with food...

paleo sauces

Our favorite Paleo dressing and sauce recipes

Whether you’re new to a low sugar, gluten-free or Paleo diet or been at it for a while, figuring out how to spice up your dishes can be a daunting...