mila kunis

Mila Kunis is having a baby, and she’s got some serious fermented food cravings. Pickles and sauerkraut are at the top of her list, though she says she’s also indulging in some of the other typical cravings like ice cream. And she plans to give birth naturally, without an epidural. Just another reason we love her more!

“I’ll tell you a funny story,” Mila says of Ashton Kutcher while on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.“He assumed that I was going to have goofy cravings, so he stocked our secondary fridge with weird food. Just like pickles and sauerkraut, or like anchovies and ice creams … just in case at one point during this pregnancy I’d be like, ‘I really want something.’

“I’m going to do it as all natural as I possibly can unless that there’s an emergency or something that should go wrong. I did this to myself, I might as well just do it right. I wanted this!” 


mila kunis